Ngày 24 tháng 7, Tòa Bạch Ốc hồi âm Liên Minh Vì Dân Chủ Cho Việt Nam (Alliance for Vietnam’s Democracy) liên quan đến tầm quan trọng của nhân quyền trong quan hệ chính trị và thương mại của hai nước. Tổng Thống Biden hứa sẽ tiếp tục “lấy nhân quyền làm trọng tâm của các chính sách đối nội và đối ngoại. Cùng với các đối tác và đồng minh, Hoa Kỳ tiếp tục bảo vệ các quyền tự do cơ bản và nhân quyền ở bất cứ nơi nào bị đe dọa” (My Administration has put human rights at the center of our domestic and foreign policy priorities. Together with our partners and allies, the United States continues to defend fundamental freedoms and human rights wherever they are under threat).
Tổng Thống Biden cũng viết: “Khi chúng ta xem xét những thử thách toàn cầu ngày nay, trực tuyến và trực tiếp …các nguyên tắc nhân quyền là nền tảng để chúng ta phải giải quyết những vấn đề. Hoa Kỳ hợp tác với người dân khắp nước và trên toàn thế giới để thúc đẩy việc tôn trọng nhân quyền cho tất cả. Cùng nhau, chúng ta có thể—và chúng ta sẽ—xoay hướng lịch sử tới một thế giới tự do hơn và công bằng hơn cho tất cả mọi người” (As we look at today’s global challenges online and offline …the human rights principles are the bedrock upon which we must tackle these issues. The United States joins people across the country and around the world in promoting the full enjoyment of human rights of all people. Together, we can—and we will—bend the arc of history toward a freer and more just world for all).
Toàn văn của lá thư được đính kèm dưới đây:
From: The White House <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 4:33 PM
Subject: Response to Your Message
![]() My Administration has put human rights at the center of our domestic and foreign policy priorities. Together with our partners and allies, the United States continues to defend fundamental freedoms and human rights wherever they are under threat. At home and abroad, my Administration is championing the voices and safeguarding protections for religious, racial, and ethnic minorities; women and girls; LGBTQI+ communities; persons with disabilities; and pro-democracy activists and human rights defenders, who are too often targeted by discrimination, subjected to violence, or denied equal protection under the law. Democracy is necessary to ensure that every voice is heard; that the human rights of all are respected, protected, and fulfilled; and that the rule of law is upheld. We must work to advance every individual’s right and opportunity to participate in political, social, and economic life on an equal basis, without undue restrictions, interference, or intimidation, including systemic discrimination or marginalization. My Administration is committed to removing these barriers and combating inequity where individuals are discriminated against or experience violence because of the color of their skin, how they practice their faith, or who they are and who they love. I have often said that one of America’s greatest strengths is that we lead not by the example of our power but by the power of our example. That’s why we must live by our values at home, and we must never cease working to uphold the dignity and protect the rights of every person in this country while promoting protection of those same rights globally. As we look at today’s global challenges online and offline—from conflict, democratic backsliding, and global pandemics to misinformation, the misuse of technology, the climate crisis, and food insecurity—the human rights principles are the bedrock upon which we must tackle these issues. The United States joins people across the country and around the world in promoting the full enjoyment of human rights of all people. Together, we can—and we will—bend the arc of history toward a freer and more just world for all.Sincerely, ![]() |